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Tasting whiskey and beer aged in the same barrel
What happens when the keg is empty and the Water of Life is drunk? Well, we have an empty keg and the best beer is stored in it. But why do you store beer in kegs - and what flavors does staying in the keg give the beer? Join us on a journey of discovery through Stauning's whisky production. Hear the story of the adventure and experience every step of production up close and personal. From malting Danish barley and rye on the ground to distilling in 24 copper stills. Meanwhile, enjoy the beautiful architecture of the new distillery, which underlines both soul and openness. Finally, you can taste three different types of whiskey and three beers aged in the same barrels, compare them and expand your knowledge of barrel aging.
What is included
  • Stories about Stauning Whisky
  • Production tour - from malting to distillation
  • Learn more about the importance of barrel aging for taste
  • Tasting of 3 different whiskies
  • Tasting of 3 different barrel-aged beers
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About Stauning Whisky
Stauning Whisky began in 2005 and has since been a benchmark in whisky production in Denmark and cherishes good taste and quality in each bottle. They have won many awards and even at an international level Stauning is a heavyweight.
Stauning WhiskyStauningvej 386900 Skjern
butik@stauningwhisky.dk+45 93 39 28 85
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© 2025 Stauning Whisky
DKK 395/ Person
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DKK 395/ Person